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Limited re-opening

Dear HAHA Member,

Hamilton is moving to the COVID Red Zone as Monday November 16th.  This means we will have adjust our club operations in order to follow Provincial rules.

The Kitchen will remain closed until further notice. We just can’t operate the facility under the current Red Zone rules.

The clubhouse will remain open but only a maximum of ten people can be in the building at one time.  Everyone inside must wear a mask.

Guests will still be welcome under the normal HAHA rules, but guests must provide contact information as per Provincial rules.  Guest sigh-in will be moved to the Trap Lounge section of the clubhouse. 

All ranges will remain open, but please spread out. It is your responsibility to maintain a safe distance from other people (2 meters). If you can’t, then please wear a mask even if outside.

All members must tap their pass card went entering the club or ranges.  This will ensure a proper log of all who entered and when.  This information will allow for proper notification to Public Health and members in the event there is a positive confirmed case/outbreak as the result of a member testing positive and visiting the club.

Please sanitize your hands when entering any club facility. There are seven hand-sanitizing jugs on our club grounds.

Anyone exhibiting signs of COVID-19 should not visit HAHA.  Here is a link on self-diagnosing:

These restrictions are not necessarily permanent and will likely change depending on the latest information from the Province and Public Health officials.

Please monitor your emails; we will update you as the government makes changes.

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